Source code for autofit.non_linear.samples.pdf

import logging
import math
import pathlib
import warnings
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

from autoconf import conf
from autoconf.output import should_output
from autofit.mapper.model import ModelInstance
from autofit.mapper.prior_model.abstract import AbstractPriorModel
from autofit.non_linear.samples.sample import Sample, load_from_table
from autofit.non_linear.samples.samples import to_instance
from .samples import Samples
from .summary import SamplesSummary

[docs]class SamplesPDF(Samples): def __init__( self, model: AbstractPriorModel, sample_list: List[Sample], samples_info: Optional[Dict] = None, ): """ Contains the samples of the non-linear search, including parameter values, log likelihoods, weights and other quantites. For example, the output class can be used to load an instance of the best-fit model, get an instance of any individual sample by the `NonLinearSearch` and return information on the likelihoods, errors, etc. This class stores samples of searches which provide the probability distribution function (PDF) of the model fit (e.g. nested samplers, MCMC). Parameters ---------- model Maps input vectors of unit parameter values to physical values and model instances via priors. sample_list The list of `Samples` which contains the paramoeters, likelihood, weights, etc. of every sample taken by the non-linear search. samples_info Contains information on the samples (e.g. total iterations, time to run the search, etc.). """ super().__init__( model=model, sample_list=sample_list, samples_info=samples_info ) def summary(self): median_pdf_sample = Sample.from_lists( model=self.model, parameter_lists=[self.median_pdf(as_instance=False)], log_likelihood_list=[self.max_log_likelihood_sample.log_likelihood], log_prior_list=[self.max_log_likelihood_sample.log_prior], weight_list=[self.max_log_likelihood_sample.weight], )[0] return SamplesSummary( model=self.model, max_log_likelihood_sample=self.max_log_likelihood_sample, median_pdf_sample=median_pdf_sample, log_evidence=self.log_evidence, errors_at_sigma_1=self.errors_at_sigma(sigma=1.0, as_instance=False), errors_at_sigma_3=self.errors_at_sigma(sigma=3.0, as_instance=False), values_at_sigma_1=self.values_at_sigma(sigma=1.0, as_instance=False), values_at_sigma_3=self.values_at_sigma(sigma=3.0, as_instance=False), )
[docs] @classmethod def from_table(cls, filename: str, model): """ Write a table of parameters, posteriors, priors and likelihoods Parameters ---------- filename Where the table is to be written """ from .stored import SamplesStored sample_list = load_from_table(filename=filename) return SamplesStored(model=model, sample_list=sample_list)
@property def unconverged_sample_size(self): """ If a set of samples are unconverged, alternative methods to compute their means, errors, etc are used. These use a subset of samples spanning the range from the most recent sample to the valaue of the unconverted_sample_size. However, if there are fewer samples than this size, we change the size to be the the size of the total number of samples. """ unconverged_sample_size = conf.instance["general"]["output"][ "unconverged_sample_size" ] if self.total_samples > unconverged_sample_size: return unconverged_sample_size return self.total_samples @property def pdf_converged(self) -> bool: """ To analyse and visualize samples the analysis must be sufficiently converged to produce smooth enough PDF for error estimate and PDF generation. This property checks whether the non-linear search's samples are sufficiently converged for this, by checking if one sample's weight contains > 99% of the weight. If this is the case, it implies the convergence necessary for error estimate and visualization has not been met. This does not necessarily imply the `NonLinearSearch` has converged overall, only that errors and visualization can be performed numerically. """ if np.max(self.weight_list) > 0.99: return False return True
[docs] @to_instance def median_pdf(self) -> List[float]: """ The median of the probability density function (PDF) of every parameter marginalized in 1D, returned as a model instance or list of values. """ if self.pdf_converged: return [ quantile(x=params, q=0.5, weights=self.weight_list)[0] for params in self.parameters_extract ] return self.max_log_likelihood(as_instance=False)
[docs] @to_instance def values_at_sigma(self, sigma: float) -> [Tuple, ModelInstance]: """ The value of every parameter marginalized in 1D at an input sigma value of its probability density function (PDF), returned as two lists of values corresponding to the lower and upper values parameter values. For example, if sigma is 1.0, the marginalized values of every parameter at 31.7% and 68.2% percentiles of each PDF is returned. This does not account for covariance between parameters. For example, if two parameters (x, y) are degenerate whereby x decreases as y gets larger to give the same PDF, this function will still return both at their upper values. Thus, caution is advised when using the function to reperform a model-fits. This is estimated using the `quantile` function if the samples have converged, by sampling the density function at an input PDF %. If not converged, a crude estimate using the range of values of the current physical live points is used. Parameters ---------- sigma The sigma within which the PDF is used to estimate errors (e.g. sigma = 1.0 uses 0.6826 of the PDF). """ if self.pdf_converged: low_limit = (1 - math.erf(sigma / math.sqrt(2))) / 2 lower_errors = [ quantile(x=params, q=low_limit, weights=self.weight_list)[0] for params in self.parameters_extract ] upper_errors = [ quantile(x=params, q=1 - low_limit, weights=self.weight_list)[0] for params in self.parameters_extract ] return [(lower, upper) for lower, upper in zip(lower_errors, upper_errors)] parameters_min = list( np.min(self.parameter_lists[-self.unconverged_sample_size :], axis=0) ) parameters_max = list( np.max(self.parameter_lists[-self.unconverged_sample_size :], axis=0) ) return [ (parameters_min[index], parameters_max[index]) for index in range(len(parameters_min)) ]
[docs] @to_instance def values_at_upper_sigma(self, sigma: float) -> Union[List, ModelInstance]: """ The upper value of every parameter marginalized in 1D at an input sigma value of its probability density function (PDF), returned as a list. See values_at_sigma for a full description of how the parameters at sigma are computed. Parameters ---------- sigma The sigma within which the PDF is used to estimate errors (e.g. sigma = 1.0 uses 0.6826 of the PDF). """ return list( map(lambda param: param[1], self.values_at_sigma(sigma, as_instance=False)) )
[docs] @to_instance def values_at_lower_sigma(self, sigma: float) -> Union[List, ModelInstance]: """ The lower value of every parameter marginalized in 1D at an input sigma value of its probability density function (PDF), returned as a list. See values_at_sigma for a full description of how the parameters at sigma are computed. Parameters ---------- sigma The sigma limit within which the PDF is used to estimate errors (e.g. sigma = 1.0 uses 0.6826 of the PDF). """ return list( map(lambda param: param[0], self.values_at_sigma(sigma, as_instance=False)) )
[docs] @to_instance def errors_at_sigma( self, sigma: float, as_instance: bool = True ) -> [Tuple, ModelInstance]: """ The lower and upper error of every parameter marginalized in 1D at an input sigma value of its probability density function (PDF), returned as a list. See values_at_sigma for a full description of how the parameters at sigma are computed. Parameters ---------- sigma The sigma within which the PDF is used to estimate errors (e.g. sigma = 1.0 uses 0.6826 of the PDF). """ error_vector_lower = self.errors_at_lower_sigma(sigma=sigma, as_instance=False) error_vector_upper = self.errors_at_upper_sigma(sigma=sigma, as_instance=False) return [ (lower, upper) for lower, upper in zip(error_vector_lower, error_vector_upper) ]
[docs] @to_instance def errors_at_upper_sigma( self, sigma: float, as_instance: bool = True ) -> Union[List, ModelInstance]: """ The upper error of every parameter marginalized in 1D at an input sigma value of its probability density function (PDF), returned as a list. See values_at_sigma for a full description of how the parameters at sigma are computed. Parameters ---------- sigma The sigma within which the PDF is used to estimate errors (e.g. sigma = 1.0 uses 0.6826 of the PDF). """ uppers = self.values_at_upper_sigma(sigma=sigma, as_instance=False) return list( map( lambda upper, median_pdf: upper - median_pdf, uppers, self.median_pdf(as_instance=False), ) )
[docs] @to_instance def errors_at_lower_sigma(self, sigma: float) -> Union[List, ModelInstance]: """ The lower error of every parameter marginalized in 1D at an input sigma value of its probability density function (PDF), returned as a list. See values_at_sigma for a full description of how the parameters at sigma are computed. Parameters ---------- sigma The sigma within which the PDF is used to estimate errors (e.g. sigma = 1.0 uses 0.6826 of the PDF). """ lowers = self.values_at_lower_sigma(sigma=sigma, as_instance=False) return list( map( lambda lower, median_pdf: median_pdf - lower, lowers, self.median_pdf(as_instance=False), ) )
[docs] @to_instance def error_magnitudes_at_sigma(self, sigma: float) -> Union[List, ModelInstance]: """ The magnitude of every error after marginalization in 1D at an input sigma value of the probability density function (PDF), returned as two lists of values corresponding to the lower and upper errors. For example, if sigma is 1.0, the difference in the inferred values marginalized at 31.7% and 68.2% percentiles of each PDF is returned. Parameters ---------- sigma The sigma within which the PDF is used to estimate errors (e.g. sigma = 1.0 uses 0.6826 of the PDF). """ uppers = self.values_at_upper_sigma(sigma=sigma, as_instance=False) lowers = self.values_at_lower_sigma(sigma=sigma, as_instance=False) return list(map(lambda upper, lower: upper - lower, uppers, lowers))
[docs] @to_instance def draw_randomly_via_pdf(self) -> Union[List, ModelInstance]: """ The parameter vector of an individual sample of the non-linear search drawn randomly from the PDF, returned as a 1D list. The draw is weighted by the sample weights to ensure that the sample is drawn from the PDF (which is important for non-linear searches like nested sampling). """ sample_index = np.random.choice( a=range(len(self.sample_list)), p=self.weight_list ) return self.parameter_lists[sample_index][:]
[docs] @to_instance def offset_values_via_input_values( self, input_vector: List ) -> Union[List, ModelInstance]: """ The values of an input_vector offset by the median_pdf(as_instance=False) (the PDF medians). If the 'true' values of a model are known and input as the input_vector, this function returns the results of the `NonLinearSearch` as values offset from the 'true' model. For example, a value 0.0 means the non-linear search estimated the model parameter value correctly. Parameters ---------- input_vector A 1D list of values the most-probable model is offset by. This list must have the same dimensions as free parameters in the model-fit. """ return list( map( lambda input, median_pdf: median_pdf - input, input_vector, self.median_pdf(as_instance=False), ) )
@property def covariance_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute the covariance matrix of the non-linear search samples, using the method `np.cov()` which is described at the following link: Follow that link for a description of what the covariance matrix is. This function may be called during a non-linear search, before the samples contain high likelihood regions that enable a robust covariance matrix to be computed. To reduce command line noise, the warning associated with this behaviour is suppressed. Returns ------- ndarray A covariance matrix of shape [total_parameters, total_parameters] for the model parameters of the non-linear search. """ if len(self.parameter_lists) == 1: return np.eye(1) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") return np.cov( m=self.parameter_lists, rowvar=False, aweights=self.weight_list )
[docs] def save_covariance_matrix(self, filename: Union[pathlib.Path, str]): """ Save the covariance matrix as a CSV file. Parameters ---------- filename The filename the covariance matrix is saved to. """ if not should_output("covariance"): return # noinspection PyTypeChecker np.savetxt(filename, self.covariance_matrix, delimiter=",")
@property def log_evidence(self): return None
def marginalize( parameter_list: List, sigma: float, weight_list: Optional[List] = None ) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: low_limit = (1 - math.erf(sigma / math.sqrt(2))) / 2 median = quantile(x=parameter_list, q=0.5, weights=weight_list)[0] lower = quantile(x=parameter_list, q=low_limit, weights=weight_list)[0] upper = quantile(x=parameter_list, q=1 - low_limit, weights=weight_list)[0] return median, lower, upper def quantile(x, q, weights=None): """ Copied from Compute sample quantiles with support for weighted samples. Note ---- When ``weight_list`` is ``None``, this method simply calls numpy's percentile function with the values of ``q`` multiplied by 100. Parameters ---------- x : array_like[nsamples,] The samples. q : array_like[nquantiles,] The list of quantiles to compute. These should all be in the range ``[0, 1]``. weights: Optional[array_like[nsamples,]] An optional weight corresponding to each sample. These Returns ------- quantiles : array_like[nquantiles,] The sample quantiles computed at ``q``. Raises ------ ValueError For invalid quantiles; ``q`` not in ``[0, 1]`` or dimension mismatch between ``x`` and ``weight_list``. """ x = np.atleast_1d(x) q = np.atleast_1d(q) if np.any(q < 0.0) or np.any(q > 1.0): raise ValueError("Quantiles must be between 0 and 1") if weights is None: return np.percentile(x, list(100.0 * q)) else: weights = np.atleast_1d(weights) if len(x) != len(weights): raise ValueError("Dimension mismatch: len(weight_list) != len(x)") idx = np.argsort(x) sw = weights[idx] cdf = np.cumsum(sw)[:-1] cdf /= cdf[-1] cdf = np.append(0, cdf) return np.interp(q, cdf, x[idx]).tolist()