Road Map#

PyAutoFit is in active development and the road-map of features currently planned in the short and long term are listed and described below:


Supported for autodiff is nearly implemented, including JAX fits.

Non-Linear Searches:

We are always striving to add new non-linear searches to **PyAutoFit*. In the short term, we aim to provide a wrapper to the many method available in the scipy.optimize library with support for outputting results to hard-disk.

If you would like to see a non-linear search implemented in PyAutoFit please raise an issue on GitHub!

Approximate Bayesian Computation

Approximate Bayesian Computational (ABC) allows for one to infer parameter values for likelihood functions that are intractable, by simulating many datasets and extracting from them a summary statistic that is compared to the observed dataset.

ABC in PyAutoFit will be closely tied to the Database tools, ensuring that the simulation, fitting and extraction of summary statistics can be efficiently scaled up to extremely large datasets.