Chapter: Graphical Models#

In this chapter, we take you through how to compose and fit graphical models in PyAutoFit. Graphical models simultaneously fit many datasets with a model that has ‘local’ parameters specific to each individual dataset and ‘global’parameters that fit for global trends across the whole dataset.

You can start the tutorials right now by going to our binder and navigating to the folder notebooks/howtofit/chapter_graphical_models. They are also on the autofit_workspace.

The chapter contains the following tutorials:

Tutorial 1: Individual Models - An example of inferring global parameters from a dataset by fitting the model to each dataset one-by-one.

Tutorial 2: Graphical Model - Fitting the dataset with a graphical model that fits all datasets simultaneously to infer the global parameters.

Tutorial 3: Graphical Benefits - Illustrating the benefits of graphical modeling over simpler approaches using a more complex model.

Tutorial 4: Hierarchical Models - Fitting hierarchical models using the graphical modeling framework.

Tutorial 5: Expectation Propagation - Scaling graphical models up to fit extremely large datasets using Expectation Propagation (EP).