Installation with conda#

Installation via a conda environment circumvents compatibility issues when installing certain libraries. This guide assumes you have a working installation of conda.

First, create a conda environment (we name is autofit to signify it is for the PyAutoFit install).

The command below creates this environment with some of the bigger package requirements, the rest will be installed with PyAutoFit via pip:

conda create -n autofit numpy scipy

Activate the conda environment (you will have to do this every time you want to run PyAutoFit):

conda activate autofit

The latest version of PyAutoFit is installed via pip as follows (specifying the version as shown below ensures the installation has clean dependencies):

pip install autofit

Next, clone the autofit workspace (the line --depth 1 clones only the most recent branch on the autofit_workspace, reducing the download size):

cd /path/on/your/computer/you/want/to/put/the/autofit_workspace
git clone --depth 1
cd autofit_workspace

Run the script to get started!
