Multiple Datasets#

This cookbook illustrates how to fit multiple datasets simultaneously, where each dataset is fitted by a different Analysis class.

The Analysis classes are summed together to give an overall log likelihood function that is the sum of the individual log likelihood functions, which is sampled by the non-linear search.

If one has multiple observations of the same signal, it is often desirable to fit them simultaneously. This ensures that better constraints are placed on the model, as the full amount of information in the datasets is used.

In some scenarios, the signal may vary across the datasets in a way that requires that the model is updated accordingly. PyAutoFit provides tools to customize the model composition such that specific parameters of the model vary across the datasets.

This cookbook illustrates using observations of 3 1D Gaussians, which have the same centre (which is the same for the model fitted to each dataset) but different normalization and sigma values (which vary for the model fitted to each dataset).

It is common for each individual dataset to only constrain specific aspects of a model. The high level of model customization provided by PyAutoFit ensures that composing a model that is appropriate for fitting large and diverse datasets is straight forward. This is because different Analysis classes can be written for each dataset and summed.


  • Model-Fit: Setup a model-fit to 3 datasets to illustrate multi-dataset fitting.

  • Analysis Summing: Sum multiple Analysis classes to create a single Analysis class that fits all 3 datasets simultaneously, including summing their individual log likelihood functions.

  • Result List: Use the output of fits to multiple datasets which are a list of Result objects.

  • Variable Model Across Datasets: Fit a model where certain parameters vary across the datasets whereas others stay fixed.

  • Relational Model: Fit models where certain parameters vary across the dataset as a user defined relation (e.g. y = mx + c).

  • Different Analysis Classes: Fit multiple datasets where each dataset is fitted by a different Analysis class, meaning that datasets with different formats can be fitted simultaneously.

  • Interpolation: Fit multiple datasets with a model one-by-one and interpolation over a smoothly varying parameter (e.g. time) to infer the model between datasets.

  • Individual Sequential Searches: Fit multiple datasets where each dataset is fitted one-by-one sequentially.

  • Hierarchical / Graphical Models: Use hierarchical / graphical models to fit multiple datasets simultaneously, which fit for global trends in the model across the datasets.

Model Fit#

Load 3 1D Gaussian datasets from .json files in the directory autofit_workspace/dataset/.

All three datasets contain an identical signal, therefore fitting the same model to all three datasets simultaneously is appropriate.

Each dataset has a different noise realization, therefore fitting them simultaneously will offer improved constraints over individual fits.

dataset_size = 3

data_list = []
noise_map_list = []

for dataset_index in range(dataset_size):
    dataset_path = path.join(
        "dataset", "example_1d", f"gaussian_x1_identical_{dataset_index}"

    data = af.util.numpy_array_from_json(file_path=path.join(dataset_path, "data.json"))

    noise_map = af.util.numpy_array_from_json(
        file_path=path.join(dataset_path, "noise_map.json")

Plot all 3 datasets, including their error bars.

for data, noise_map in zip(data_list, noise_map_list):
    xvalues = range(data.shape[0])

        linestyle=" ",

Here is what the plots look like:

Alternative text Alternative text Alternative text

Create our model corresponding to a single 1D Gaussian that is fitted to all 3 datasets simultaneously.

model = af.Model(af.ex.Gaussian)

model.centre = af.UniformPrior(lower_limit=0.0, upper_limit=100.0)
model.normalization = af.LogUniformPrior(lower_limit=1e-2, upper_limit=1e2)
model.sigma = af.GaussianPrior(
    mean=10.0, sigma=5.0, lower_limit=0.0, upper_limit=np.inf

Analysis Summing#

Set up three instances of the Analysis class which fit 1D Gaussian.

We set up an Analysis for each dataset one-by-one, using a for loop.

analysis_list = []

for data, noise_map in zip(data_list, noise_map_list):
    analysis = af.ex.Analysis(data=data, noise_map=noise_map)

We now sum together every analysis in the list, to produce an overall analysis class which we fit with the non-linear search.

By summing analysis objects the following happen:

  • The log likelihood values computed by the log_likelihood_function of each individual analysis class are summed to give an overall log likelihood value that the non-linear search samples when model-fitting.

  • The output path structure of the results goes to a single folder, which includes sub-folders for the visualization of every individual analysis object based on the Analysis object’s visualize method.

analysis = analysis_list[0] + analysis_list[1] + analysis_list[2]

We can alternatively sum a list of analysis objects as follows:

analysis = sum(analysis_list)

The log_likelihood_function’s can be called in parallel over multiple cores by changing the n_cores parameter.

This is beneficial when the model-fitting procedure is slow and the likelihood evaluation time of the different is roughly consistent.

analysis.n_cores = 1

To fit multiple datasets via a non-linear search we use this summed analysis object:

search = af.DynestyStatic(path_prefix="features", name="multiple_datasets_simple")

result_list =, analysis=analysis)

In the example above, the same Analysis class was used twice (to set up analysis_0 and analysis_1) and summed.

PyAutoFit supports the summing together of different Analysis classes, which may take as input completely different datasets and fit the model to them (via the log_likelihood_function) following a completely different procedure.

Result List#

The result object returned by the fit is a list of the Result objects, which is described in the result cookbook.

Each Result in the list corresponds to each Analysis object in the analysis_list we passed to the fit.

The same model was fitted across all analyses, thus every Result in the result_list contains the same information on the samples and the same max_log_likelihood_instance.



This gives the following output:


We can plot the model-fit to each dataset by iterating over the results:

for data, result in zip(data_list, result_list):
    instance = result.max_log_likelihood_instance

    model_data = instance.model_data_1d_via_xvalues_from(

    plt.plot(xvalues, model_data, color="r")
    plt.title("Dynesty model fit to 1D Gaussian dataset.")
    plt.xlabel("x values of profile")
    plt.ylabel("Profile normalization")

The image appears as follows:

Alternative text Alternative text Alternative text

Variable Model Across Datasets#

The same model was fitted to every dataset simultaneously because all 3 datasets contained an identical signal with only the noise varying across the datasets.

If the signal varied across the datasets, we would instead want to fit a different model to each dataset. The model composition can be updated using the summed Analysis object to do this.

We will use an example of 3 1D Gaussians which have the same centre but the normalization and sigma vary across datasets:

dataset_path = path.join("dataset", "example_1d", "gaussian_x1_variable")

dataset_name_list = ["sigma_0", "sigma_1", "sigma_2"]

data_list = []
noise_map_list = []

for dataset_name in dataset_name_list:
    dataset_time_path = path.join(dataset_path, dataset_name)

    data = af.util.numpy_array_from_json(
        file_path=path.join(dataset_time_path, "data.json")
    noise_map = af.util.numpy_array_from_json(
        file_path=path.join(dataset_time_path, "noise_map.json")


Plotting these datasets shows that the normalization and`` sigma of each Gaussian vary.

for data, noise_map in zip(data_list, noise_map_list):
    xvalues = range(data.shape[0])

    af.ex.plot_profile_1d(xvalues=xvalues, profile_1d=data)

The images appear as follows:

Alternative text Alternative text Alternative text

The centre of all three 1D Gaussians are the same in each dataset, but their normalization and sigma values are decreasing.

We will therefore fit a model to all three datasets simultaneously, whose centre is the same for all 3 datasets but the normalization and sigma vary.

To do that, we use a summed list of Analysis objects, where each Analysis object contains a different dataset.

analysis_list = []

for data, noise_map in zip(data_list, noise_map_list):
    analysis = af.ex.Analysis(data=data, noise_map=noise_map)

analysis = sum(analysis_list)

We next compose a model of a 1D Gaussian.

model = af.Collection(gaussian=af.Model(af.ex.Gaussian))

We now update the model using the summed ``Analysis ``objects to compose a model where:

  • The centre values of the Gaussian fitted to every dataset in every Analysis object are identical.

  • The``normalization`` and sigma value of the every Gaussian fitted to every dataset in every Analysis object are different.

The model has 7 free parameters in total, x1 shared centre, x3 unique normalization’s and x3 unique sigma’s.

analysis = analysis.with_free_parameters(
    model.gaussian.normalization, model.gaussian.sigma

To inspect this new model, with extra parameters for each dataset created, we extract a modified version of this model from the summed Analysis object.

This model modiciation occurs automatically when a non-linear search begins, therefore the normal model we created above is input to the method.

model_updated = analysis.modify_model(model)


This gives the following output:

Total Free Parameters = 7

model                                     Collection (N=7)
    0                                     Collection (N=3)
        gaussian                          Gaussian (N=3)
    1                                     Collection (N=3)
        gaussian                          Gaussian (N=3)
    2                                     Collection (N=3)
        gaussian                          Gaussian (N=3)

        centre                            UniformPrior [7], lower_limit = 0.0, upper_limit = 100.0
        normalization                     LogUniformPrior [10], lower_limit = 1e-06, upper_limit = 1000000.0
        sigma                             UniformPrior [11], lower_limit = 0.0, upper_limit = 25.0
        centre                            UniformPrior [7], lower_limit = 0.0, upper_limit = 100.0
        normalization                     LogUniformPrior [12], lower_limit = 1e-06, upper_limit = 1000000.0
        sigma                             UniformPrior [13], lower_limit = 0.0, upper_limit = 25.0
        centre                            UniformPrior [7], lower_limit = 0.0, upper_limit = 100.0
        normalization                     LogUniformPrior [14], lower_limit = 1e-06, upper_limit = 1000000.0
        sigma                             UniformPrior [15], lower_limit = 0.0, upper_limit = 25.0

Fit this model to the data using dynesty.

search = af.DynestyStatic(path_prefix="features", name="multiple_datasets_free_sigma")

The normalization and sigma values of the maximum log likelihood models fitted to each dataset are different, which is shown by printing the sigma values of the maximum log likelihood instances of each result.

The centre values of the maximum log likelihood models fitted to each dataset are the same.

result_list =, analysis=analysis)

for result in result_list:
    instance = result.max_log_likelihood_instance

    print("Max Log Likelihood Model:")
    print("Centre = ", instance.gaussian.centre)
    print("Normalization = ", instance.gaussian.normalization)
    print("Sigma = ", instance.gaussian.sigma)

This gives the following output:

Max Log Likelihood Model:
Centre =  50.03565394638727
Normalization =  45.549160750232474
Sigma =  24.99999730058904

Max Log Likelihood Model:
Centre =  50.03565394638727
Normalization =  50.40062202023974
Sigma =  20.28346578065846

Max Log Likelihood Model:
Centre =  50.03565394638727
Normalization =  49.94394976751533
Sigma =  9.98325143824908

Relational Model#

In the model above, two extra free parameters (normalization and ``sigma) were added for every dataset.

For just 3 datasets the model stays low dimensional and this is not a problem. However, for 30+ datasets the model will become complex and difficult to fit.

In these circumstances, one can instead compose a model where the parameters vary smoothly across the datasets via a user defined relation.

Below, we compose a model where the sigma value fitted to each dataset is computed according to:

``y = m * x + c`` : ``sigma`` = sigma_m * x + sigma_c``

Where x is an integer number specifying the index of the dataset (e.g. 1, 2 and 3).

By defining a relation of this form, sigma_m and sigma_c are the only free parameters of the model which vary across the datasets.

Of more datasets are added the number of model parameters therefore does not increase.

normalization_m = af.UniformPrior(lower_limit=-10.0, upper_limit=10.0)
normalization_c = af.UniformPrior(lower_limit=-10.0, upper_limit=10.0)

sigma_m = af.UniformPrior(lower_limit=-10.0, upper_limit=10.0)
sigma_c = af.UniformPrior(lower_limit=-10.0, upper_limit=10.0)

x_list = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]

analysis_with_relation_list = []

for x, analysis in zip(x_list, analysis_list):
    normalization_relation = (normalization_m * x) + normalization_c
    sigma_relation = (sigma_m * x) + sigma_c

    analysis_with_relation = analysis.with_model(
                model.gaussian.normalization: normalization_relation,
                model.gaussian.sigma: sigma_relation,


We can use division, subtraction and logorithms to create more complex relations and apply them to different parameters, for example:

``y = m * log10(x) - log(z) + c`` : ``sigma`` = sigma_m * log10(x) - log(z) + sigma_c``
``y = m * (x / z)`` : ``centre`` = centre_m * (x / z)``
model = af.Collection(gaussian=af.Model(af.ex.Gaussian))

sigma_m = af.UniformPrior(lower_limit=-0.1, upper_limit=0.1)
sigma_c = af.UniformPrior(lower_limit=-10.0, upper_limit=10.0)

centre_m = af.UniformPrior(lower_limit=-0.1, upper_limit=0.1)
centre_c = af.UniformPrior(lower_limit=-10.0, upper_limit=10.0)

x_list = [1.0, 10.0, 30.0]
z_list = [2.0, 4.0, 6.0]

analysis_with_relation_list = []

for x, z, analysis in zip(x_list, z_list, analysis_list):
    sigma_relation = (sigma_m * af.Log10(x) - af.Log(z)) + sigma_c
    centre_relation = centre_m * (x / z)

    analysis_with_relation = analysis.with_model(
                model.gaussian.sigma: sigma_relation,
                model.gaussian.centre: centre_relation,


analysis_with_relation = sum(analysis_with_relation_list)

Analysis summing is performed after the model relations have been created.

analysis_with_relation = sum(analysis_with_relation_list)

The modified model’s info attribute shows the model has been composed using this relation.

model_updated = analysis.modify_model(model)


This gives the following output:

Total Free Parameters = 4

model                                     Collection (N=4)
    0                                     Collection (N=4)
        gaussian                          Gaussian (N=4)
            centre                        MultiplePrior (N=1)
            sigma                         SumPrior (N=2)
                self                      MultiplePrior (N=1)
                    other                 SumPrior (N=0)
                        result_value                                            Log10 (N=0)
                        other             Log (N=0)
    1                                     Collection (N=4)
        gaussian                          Gaussian (N=4)
            centre                        MultiplePrior (N=1)
            sigma                         SumPrior (N=2)
                self                      MultiplePrior (N=1)
                    other                 SumPrior (N=0)
                        result_value                                            Log10 (N=0)
                        other             Log (N=0)
    2                                     Collection (N=4)
        gaussian                          Gaussian (N=4)
            centre                        MultiplePrior (N=1)
            sigma                         SumPrior (N=2)
                self                      MultiplePrior (N=1)
                    other                 SumPrior (N=0)
                        result_value                                            Log10 (N=0)
                        other             Log (N=0)

            centre_m                      UniformPrior [31], lower_limit = -0.1, upper_limit = 0.1
            other                         0.5
        normalization                     LogUniformPrior [27], lower_limit = 1e-06, upper_limit = 1000000.0
            sigma_c                       UniformPrior [30], lower_limit = -10.0, upper_limit = 10.0
                sigma_m                   UniformPrior [29], lower_limit = -0.1, upper_limit = 0.1
                        x                 1.0
                        z                 2.0
            centre_m                      UniformPrior [31], lower_limit = -0.1, upper_limit = 0.1
            other                         2.5
        normalization                     LogUniformPrior [27], lower_limit = 1e-06, upper_limit = 1000000.0
            sigma_c                       UniformPrior [30], lower_limit = -10.0, upper_limit = 10.0
                sigma_m                   UniformPrior [29], lower_limit = -0.1, upper_limit = 0.1
                        x                 10.0
                        z                 4.0
            centre_m                      UniformPrior [31], lower_limit = -0.1, upper_limit = 0.1
            other                         5.0
        normalization                     LogUniformPrior [27], lower_limit = 1e-06, upper_limit = 1000000.0
            sigma_c                       UniformPrior [30], lower_limit = -10.0, upper_limit = 10.0
                sigma_m                   UniformPrior [29], lower_limit = -0.1, upper_limit = 0.1
                        x                 30.0
                        z                 6.0

We can fit the model as per usual.

search = af.DynestyStatic(path_prefix="features", name="multiple_datasets_relation")

result_list =, analysis=analysis_with_relation)

The normalization and sigma values of the maximum log likelihood models fitted to each dataset are different, which is shown by printing the sigma values of the maximum log likelihood instances of each result.

They now follow the relation we defined above.

The centre values of the maximum log likelihood models fitted to each dataset are the same.

result_list =, analysis=analysis)

for result in result_list:
    instance = result.max_log_likelihood_instance

    print("Max Log Likelihood Model:")
    print("Centre = ", instance.gaussian.centre)
    print("Normalization = ", instance.gaussian.normalization)
    print("Sigma = ", instance.gaussian.sigma)

This gives the following output:

Max Log Likelihood Model:
Centre =  50.03565394638727
Normalization =  45.549160750232474
Sigma =  24.99999730058904

Max Log Likelihood Model:
Centre =  50.03565394638727
Normalization =  50.40062202023974
Sigma =  20.28346578065846

Max Log Likelihood Model:
Centre =  50.03565394638727
Normalization =  49.94394976751533
Sigma =  9.98325143824908

Different Analysis Objects#

For simplicity, this example summed together a single Analysis class which fitted 1D Gaussian’s to 1D data.

For many problems one may have multiple datasets which are quite different in their format and structure In this situation, one can simply define unique Analysis objects for each type of dataset, which will contain a unique log_likelihood_function and methods for visualization.

The analysis summing API illustrated here can then be used to fit this large variety of datasets, noting that the the model can also be customized as necessary for fitting models to multiple datasets that are different in their format and structure.


One may have many datasets which vary according to a smooth function, for example a dataset taken over time where the signal varies smoothly as a function of time.

This could be fitted using the tools above, all at once. However, in many use cases this is not possible due to the model complexity, number of datasets or computational time.

An alternative approach is to fit each dataset individually, and then interpolate the results over the smoothly varying parameter (e.g. time) to estimate the model parameters at any point.

PyAutoFit has interpolation tools to do exactly this. These have not been documented yet, but if they sound useful to you please contact us on SLACK and we’ll be happy to explain how they work.

Individual Sequential Searches#

The API above is used to create a model with free parameters across Analysis objects, which are all fit simultaneously using a summed log_likelihood_function and single non-linear search.

Each Analysis can be fitted one-by-one, using a series of multiple non-linear searches, using the fit_sequential method.

search = af.DynestyStatic(
    path_prefix="features", name="multiple_datasets_free_sigma__sequential"

result_list = search.fit_sequential(model=model, analysis=analysis)

The benefit of this method is for complex high dimensionality models (e.g. when many parameters are passed to analysis.with_free_parameters, it breaks the fit down into a series of lower dimensionality non-linear searches that may convergence on a solution more reliably.

Hierarchical / Graphical Models

A common class of models used for fitting complex models to large datasets are hierarchical and graphical models.

These models can include addition parameters not specific to individual datasets describing the overall relationship between different model components, thus allowing one to infer the global trends contained within a dataset.

PyAutoFit has a dedicated feature set for fitting hierarchical and graphical models and interested readers should checkout the hierarchical and graphical modeling chapter of HowToFit (

Wrap Up#

We have shown how PyAutoFit can fit large datasets simultaneously, using custom models that vary specific parameters across the dataset.