Chapter 1: Introduction#

In chapter 1, we introduce you to the PyAutoFit and describe how to set up your own model, fit it to data via a non-linear search and inspect and interpret the results.

You can start the tutorials right now by going to our binder and navigating to the folder notebooks/howtofit/chapter_1_introduction. They are also on the autofit_workspace.

The chapter contains the following tutorials:

Tutorial 1: Models - Composing a model in PyAutoFit.

Tutorial 2: Fitting Data - Fitting a model with an input set of parameters to data.

Tutorial 3: Non Linear Search - The Concepts of a non-linear search, parameter space and priors.

Tutorial 4: Complex Models - Composing and fitting complex models.

Tutorial 5: Results and Samples - The results of a model-fit output by PyAutoFit.