
After a non-linear search has completed, it returns a Result object that contains information on fit, such as the maximum likelihood model instance, the errors on each parameter and the Bayesian evidence.

This cookbook provides an overview of using the results.


  • Model Fit: Perform a simple model-fit to create a Result object.

  • Info: Print the info attribute of the Result object to display a summary of the model-fit.

  • Loading From Hard-disk: Loading results from hard-disk to Python variables via the aggregator.

  • Samples: The Samples object contained in the Result, containing all non-linear samples (e.g. parameters, log likelihoods, etc.).

  • Maximum Likelihood: The maximum likelihood model instance.

  • Posterior / PDF: The median PDF model instance and PDF vectors of all model parameters via 1D marginalization.

  • Errors: The errors on every parameter estimated from the PDF, computed via marginalized 1D PDFs at an input sigma.

  • Sample Instance: The model instance of any accepted sample.

  • Search Plots: Plots of the non-linear search, for example a corner plot or 1D PDF of every parameter.

  • Bayesian Evidence: The log evidence estimated via a nested sampling algorithm.

  • Collection: Results created from models defined via a Collection object.

  • Lists: Extracting results as Python lists instead of instances.

  • Latex: Producing latex tables of results (e.g. for a paper).

The following sections outline how to use advanced features of the results, which you may skip on a first read:

  • Derived Quantities: Computing quantities and errors for quantities and parameters not included directly in the model.

  • Result Extension: Extend the Result object with new attributes and methods (e.g. max_log_likelihood_model_data).

  • Samples Filtering: Filter the Samples object to only contain samples fulfilling certain criteria.

Model Fit#

To illustrate results, we need to perform a model-fit in order to create a Result object.

We do this below using the standard API and noisy 1D signal example, which you should be familiar with from other example scripts.

Note that the Gaussian and Analysis classes come via the af.ex module, which contains example model components that are identical to those found throughout the examples.

dataset_path = path.join("dataset", "example_1d", "gaussian_x1")
data = af.util.numpy_array_from_json(file_path=path.join(dataset_path, "data.json"))
noise_map = af.util.numpy_array_from_json(
    file_path=path.join(dataset_path, "noise_map.json")

model = af.Model(af.ex.Gaussian)

analysis = af.ex.Analysis(data=data, noise_map=noise_map)

search = af.Emcee(

result =, analysis=analysis)


Printing the info attribute shows the overall result of the model-fit in a human readable format.


The output appears as follows:

Maximum Log Likelihood              -46.68992727
Maximum Log Posterior               -46.64963514

model                               Gaussian (N=3)

Maximum Log Likelihood Model:

centre                              49.892
normalization                       24.819
sigma                               9.844

Summary (3.0 sigma limits):

centre                              49.89 (49.52, 50.23)
normalization                       24.79 (23.96, 25.61)
sigma                               9.85 (9.53, 10.21)

Summary (1.0 sigma limits):

centre                              49.89 (49.83, 49.96)
normalization                       24.79 (24.65, 24.94)
sigma                               9.85 (9.78, 9.90)

Loading From Hard-disk#

When performing fits which output results to hard-disc, a files folder is created containing .json / .csv files of the model, samples, search, etc.

These files can be loaded from hard-disk to Python variables via the aggregator, making them accessible in a Python script or Jupyter notebook.

Below, we will access these results using the aggregator’s values method. A full list of what can be loaded is as follows:

  • model: The model defined above and used in the model-fit (model.json).

  • search: The non-linear search settings (search.json).

  • samples: The non-linear search samples (samples.csv).

  • samples_info: Additional information about the samples (samples_info.json).

  • samples_summary: A summary of key results of the samples (samples_summary.json).

  • info: The info dictionary passed to the search (info.json).

  • covariance: The inferred covariance matrix (covariance.csv).

  • data: The 1D noisy data used that is fitted (data.json).

  • noise_map: The 1D noise-map fitted (noise_map.json).

The samples and samples_summary results contain a lot of repeated information. The samples result contains the full non-linear search samples, for example every parameter sample and its log likelihood. The samples_summary contains a summary of the results, for example the maximum log likelihood model and error estimates on parameters at 1 and 3 sigma confidence.

Accessing results via the samples_summary is much faster, because as it does reperform calculations using the full list of samples. Therefore, if the result you want is accessible via the samples_summary you should use it but if not you can revert to the ``samples.

from autofit.aggregator.aggregator import Aggregator

agg = Aggregator.from_directory(
    directory=path.join("output", "cookbook_result"),

Before using the aggregator to inspect results, lets discuss Python generators.

A generator is an object that iterates over a function when it is called. The aggregator creates all of the objects that it loads from the database as generators (as opposed to a list, or dictionary, or another Python type).

This is because generators are memory efficient, as they do not store the entries of the database in memory simultaneously. This contrasts objects like lists and dictionaries, which store all entries in memory all at once. If you fit a large number of datasets, lists and dictionaries will use a lot of memory and could crash your computer!

Once we use a generator in the Python code, it cannot be used again. To perform the same task twice, the generator must be remade it. This cookbook therefore rarely stores generators as variables and instead uses the aggregator to create each generator at the point of use.

To create a generator of a specific set of results, we use the values method. This takes the name of the object we want to create a generator of, for example inputting name=samples will return the results Samples object (which is illustrated in detail below).

for samples in agg.values("samples"):


The result contains a Samples object, which contains all samples of the non-linear search.

Each sample corresponds to a set of model parameters that were evaluated and accepted by the non linear search, in this example emcee.

This includes their log likelihoods, which are used for computing additional information about the model-fit, for example the error on every parameter.

Our model-fit used the MCMC algorithm Emcee, so the Samples object returned is a SamplesMCMC object.

samples = result.samples

print("MCMC Samples: \n")

The parameters are stored as a list of lists, where:

  • The outer list is the size of the total number of samples.

  • The inner list is the size of the number of free parameters in the fit.

samples = result.samples

print("Sample 5's second parameter value (Gaussian -> normalization):")
print("Sample 10's third parameter value (Gaussian -> sigma)")
print(samples.parameter_lists[9][2], "\n")

The output appears as follows:

Sample 5's second parameter value (Gaussian -> normalization):
Sample 10`s third parameter value (Gaussian -> sigma)

The Samples class contains the log likelihood, log prior, log posterior and weight_list of every accepted sample, where:

  • The log_likelihood is the value evaluated in the log_likelihood_function.

  • The log_prior encodes information on how parameter priors map log likelihood values to log posterior values.

  • The log_posterior is log_likelihood + log_prior.

  • The weight gives information on how samples are combined to estimate the posterior, which depends on type of search used (for Emcee they are all 1’s meaning they are weighted equally).

Lets inspect the last 10 values of each for the analysis.

print("log(likelihood), log(prior), log(posterior) and weight of the tenth sample.")

The output appears as follows:

log(likelihood), log(prior), log(posterior) and weight of the tenth sample.

Maximum Likelihood#

Using the Samples object many results can be returned as an instance of the model, using the Python class structure of the model composition.

For example, we can return the model parameters corresponding to the maximum log likelihood sample.

instance = samples.max_log_likelihood()

print("Max Log Likelihood Gaussian Instance:")
print("Centre = ", instance.centre)
print("Normalization = ", instance.normalization)
print("Sigma = ", instance.sigma, "\n")

The output appears as follows:

Max Log Likelihood `Gaussian` Instance:
Centre =  49.891590184286855
Normalization =  24.8187423966329
Sigma =  9.844319034011903

This makes it straight forward to plot the median PDF model:

model_data = instance.model_data_1d_via_xvalues_from(xvalues=np.arange(data.shape[0]))

plt.plot(range(data.shape[0]), data)
plt.plot(range(data.shape[0]), model_data)
plt.title("Illustrative model fit to 1D Gaussian profile data.")
plt.xlabel("x values of profile")
plt.ylabel("Profile normalization")

This plot appears as follows:

Alternative text

Posterior / PDF#

The result contains the full posterior information of our non-linear search, which can be used for parameter estimation.

The median pdf vector is available, which estimates every parameter via 1D marginalization of their PDFs.

instance = samples.median_pdf()

print("Median PDF Gaussian Instance:")
print("Centre = ", instance.centre)
print("Normalization = ", instance.normalization)
print("Sigma = ", instance.sigma, "\n")

The output appears as follows:

Median PDF `Gaussian` Instance:
Centre =  49.88646575581081
Normalization =  24.786319329440854
Sigma =  9.845578558662783


Methods for computing error estimates on all parameters are provided.

This again uses 1D marginalization, now at an input sigma confidence limit.

instance_upper_sigma = samples.errors_at_upper_sigma(sigma=3.0)
instance_lower_sigma = samples.errors_at_lower_sigma(sigma=3.0)

print("Upper Error values (at 3.0 sigma confidence):")
print("Centre = ", instance_upper_sigma.centre)
print("Normalization = ", instance_upper_sigma.normalization)
print("Sigma = ", instance_upper_sigma.sigma, "\n")

print("lower Error values (at 3.0 sigma confidence):")
print("Centre = ", instance_lower_sigma.centre)
print("Normalization = ", instance_lower_sigma.normalization)
print("Sigma = ", instance_lower_sigma.sigma, "\n")

The output appears as follows:

Upper Error values (at 3.0 sigma confidence):
Centre =  0.34351559431248546
Normalization =  0.8210523662181224
Sigma =  0.36460084790041236

lower Error values (at 3.0 sigma confidence):
Centre =  0.36573975189415364
Normalization =  0.8277555014351385
Sigma =  0.318978781734252

They can also be returned at the values of the parameters at their error values.

instance_upper_values = samples.values_at_upper_sigma(sigma=3.0)
instance_lower_values = samples.values_at_lower_sigma(sigma=3.0)

print("Upper Parameter values w/ error (at 3.0 sigma confidence):")
print("Centre = ", instance_upper_values.centre)
print("Normalization = ", instance_upper_values.normalization)
print("Sigma = ", instance_upper_values.sigma, "\n")

print("lower Parameter values w/ errors (at 3.0 sigma confidence):")
print("Centre = ", instance_lower_values.centre)
print("Normalization = ", instance_lower_values.normalization)
print("Sigma = ", instance_lower_values.sigma, "\n")

The output appears as follows:

Upper Parameter values w/ error (at 3.0 sigma confidence):
Centre =  50.229981350123296
Normalization =  25.607371695658976
Sigma =  10.210179406563196

lower Parameter values w/ errors (at 3.0 sigma confidence):
Centre =  49.52072600391666
Normalization =  23.958563828005715
Sigma =  9.526599776928531

Sample Instance#

A non-linear search retains every model that is accepted during the model-fit.

We can create an instance of any model – below we create an instance of the last accepted model.

instance = samples.from_sample_index(sample_index=-1)

print("Gaussian Instance of last sample")
print("Centre = ", instance.centre)
print("Normalization = ", instance.normalization)
print("Sigma = ", instance.sigma, "\n")

The output appears as follows:

Gaussian Instance of last sample
Centre =  49.81486592598193
Normalization =  25.342058160043972
Sigma =  10.001029545296722

Search Plots#

The Probability Density Functions (PDF’s) of the results can be plotted using the Emcee’s visualization tool, which is wrapped via the EmceePlotter object.

plotter = aplt.MCMCPlotter(samples=result.samples)

This plot appears as follows:

Alternative text

Bayesian Evidence#

If a nested sampling non-linear search is used, the evidence of the model is also available which enables Bayesian model comparison to be performed (given we are using Emcee, which is not a nested sampling algorithm, the log evidence is None).:

log_evidence = samples.log_evidence
print(f"Log Evidence: {log_evidence}")

The output appears as follows:

Log Evidence: None


The examples correspond to a model where af.Model(Gaussian) was used to compose the model.

Below, we illustrate how the results API slightly changes if we compose our model using a Collection:

model = af.Collection(gaussian=af.ex.Gaussian, exponential=af.ex.Exponential)

analysis = af.ex.Analysis(data=data, noise_map=noise_map)

search = af.Emcee(

result =, analysis=analysis)

The shows the result for the model with both a Gaussian and Exponential profile.


The output appears as follows:

Maximum Log Likelihood              -46.19567314
Maximum Log Posterior               999953.27251548

model                               Collection (N=6)
    gaussian                        Gaussian (N=3)
    exponential                     Exponential (N=3)

Maximum Log Likelihood Model:

    centre                          49.914
    normalization                   24.635
    sigma                           9.851
    centre                          35.911
    normalization                   0.010
    rate                            5.219

Summary (3.0 sigma limits):

    centre                          49.84 (44.87, 53.10)
    normalization                   24.67 (17.87, 38.81)
    sigma                           9.82 (6.93, 12.98)
    centre                          45.03 (1.03, 98.31)
    normalization                   0.00 (0.00, 0.67)
    rate                            4.88 (0.07, 9.91)

Summary (1.0 sigma limits):

    centre                          49.84 (49.76, 49.93)
    normalization                   24.67 (24.46, 24.86)
    sigma                           9.82 (9.74, 9.90)
    centre                          45.03 (36.88, 54.81)
    normalization                   0.00 (0.00, 0.00)
    rate                            4.88 (3.73, 5.68)

Result instances again use the Python classes used to compose the model.

However, because our fit uses a Collection the instance has attribues named according to the names given to the Collection, which above were gaussian and exponential.

For complex models, with a large number of model components and parameters, this offers a readable API to interpret the results.

instance = samples.max_log_likelihood()

print("Max Log Likelihood Gaussian Instance:")
print("Centre = ", instance.gaussian.centre)
print("Normalization = ", instance.gaussian.normalization)
print("Sigma = ", instance.gaussian.sigma, "\n")

print("Max Log Likelihood Exponential Instance:")
print("Centre = ", instance.exponential.centre)
print("Normalization = ", instance.exponential.normalization)
print("Sigma = ", instance.exponential.rate, "\n")

The output appears as follows:

Max Log Likelihood `Gaussian` Instance:
Centre =  49.91396277773068
Normalization =  24.63471453899279
Sigma =  9.850878941872832

Max Log Likelihood Exponential Instance:
Centre =  35.911326828717904
Normalization =  0.010107001861903789
Sigma =  5.2192591581876036


All results can alternatively be returned as a 1D list of values, by passing as_instance=False:

max_lh_list = samples.max_log_likelihood(as_instance=False)
print("Max Log Likelihood Model Parameters: \n")
print(max_lh_list, "\n\n")

The output appears as follows:

Max Log Likelihood Model Parameters:

[49.91396277773068, 24.63471453899279, 9.850878941872832, 35.911326828717904, 0.010107001861903789, 5.2192591581876036]

The list above does not tell us which values correspond to which parameters.

The following quantities are available in the Model, where the order of their entries correspond to the parameters in the ml_vector above:

  • paths: a list of tuples which give the path of every parameter in the Model.

  • parameter_names: a list of shorthand parameter names derived from the paths.

  • parameter_labels: a list of parameter labels used when visualizing non-linear search results (see below).

For simple models like the one fitted in this tutorial, the quantities below are somewhat redundant. For the more complex models they are important for tracking the parameters of the model.

model = samples.model


The output appears as follows:

[('gaussian', 'centre'), ('gaussian', 'normalization'), ('gaussian', 'sigma'), ('exponential', 'centre'), ('exponential', 'normalization'), ('exponential', 'rate')]
['centre', 'normalization', 'sigma', 'centre', 'normalization', 'rate']
['x', 'norm', '\\sigma', 'x', 'norm', '\\lambda']
['gaussian_centre', 'gaussian_normalization', 'gaussian_sigma', 'exponential_centre', 'exponential_normalization', 'exponential_rate']

All the methods above are available as lists.

instance = samples.median_pdf(as_instance=False)
values_at_upper_sigma = samples.values_at_upper_sigma(sigma=3.0, as_instance=False)
values_at_lower_sigma = samples.values_at_lower_sigma(sigma=3.0, as_instance=False)
errors_at_upper_sigma = samples.errors_at_upper_sigma(sigma=3.0, as_instance=False)
errors_at_lower_sigma = samples.errors_at_lower_sigma(sigma=3.0, as_instance=False)


If you are writing modeling results up in a paper, you can use inbuilt latex tools to create latex table code which you can copy to your .tex document.

By combining this with the filtering tools below, specific parameters can be included or removed from the latex.

Remember that the superscripts of a parameter are loaded from the config file notation/label.yaml, providing high levels of customization for how the parameter names appear in the latex table. This is especially useful if your model uses the same model components with the same parameter, which therefore need to be distinguished via superscripts.

latex = af.text.Samples.latex(
    prefix="Example Prefix ",
    suffix=" \\[-2pt]",


The output appears as follows:

Example Prefix $x^{\rm{g}} = 49.88^{+0.37}_{-0.35}$ & $norm^{\rm{g}} = 24.83^{+0.82}_{-0.76}$ & $\sigma^{\rm{g}} = 9.84^{+0.35}_{-0.40}$ \[-2pt]

Derived Errors (Advanced)#

Computing the errors of a quantity like the sigma of the Gaussian is simple, because it is sampled by the non-linear search. Thus, to get their errors above we used the Samples object to simply marginalize over all over parameters via the 1D Probability Density Function (PDF).

Computing errors on derived quantities is more tricky, because they are not sampled directly by the non-linear search. For example, what if we want the error on the full width half maximum (FWHM) of the Gaussian? In order to do this we need to create the PDF of that derived quantity, which we can then marginalize over using the same function we use to marginalize model parameters.

Below, we compute the FWHM of every accepted model sampled by the non-linear search and use this determine the PDF of the FWHM. When combining the FWHM’s we weight each value by its weight. For Emcee, an MCMC algorithm, the weight of every sample is 1, but weights may take different values for other non-linear searches.

In order to pass these samples to the function marginalize, which marginalizes over the PDF of the FWHM to compute its error, we also pass the weight list of the samples.

(Computing the error on the FWHM could be done in much simpler ways than creating its PDF from the list of every sample. We chose this example for simplicity, in order to show this functionality, which can easily be extended to more complicated derived quantities.)

fwhm_list = []

for sample in samples.sample_list:
    instance = sample.instance_for_model(model=samples.model)

    sigma = instance.sigma

    fwhm = 2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)) * sigma


median_fwhm, lower_fwhm, upper_fwhm = af.marginalize(
    parameter_list=fwhm_list, sigma=3.0, weight_list=samples.weight_list

print(f"FWHM = {median_fwhm} ({upper_fwhm} {lower_fwhm}")

The output appears as follows:

FWHM = 23.065988076921947 (10.249510919377173 54.67455139997644

Result Extensions (Advanced)#

You might be wondering what else the results contains, as nearly everything we discussed above was a part of its samples property! The answer is, not much, however the result can be extended to include model-specific results for your project.

We detail how to do this in the HowToFit lectures, but for the example of fitting a 1D Gaussian we could extend the result to include the maximum log likelihood profile:

(The commented out functions below are llustrative of the API we can create by extending a result).

max_log_likelihood_profile = results.max_log_likelihood_profile

Samples Filtering (Advanced)#

Our samples object has the results for all three parameters in our model. However, we might only be interested in the results of a specific parameter.

The basic form of filtering specifies parameters via their path, which was printed above via the model and is printed again below.

samples = result.samples

print("Parameter paths in the model which are used for filtering:")

print("All parameters of the very first sample")

samples = samples.with_paths([("gaussian", "centre")])

print("All parameters of the very first sample (containing only the Gaussian centre.")

print("Maximum Log Likelihood Model Instances (containing only the Gaussian centre):\n")

The output appears as follows:

Parameter paths in the model which are used for filtering:
[('gaussian', 'centre'), ('gaussian', 'normalization'), ('gaussian', 'sigma'), ('exponential', 'centre'), ('exponential', 'normalization'), ('exponential', 'rate')]

All parameters of the very first sample
[49.63779704398534, 1.1898799260824928, 12.68275074146554, 50.67597072491201, 0.7836791226321858, 5.07432721731388]

All parameters of the very first sample (containing only the Gaussian centre.

Maximum Log Likelihood Model Instances (containing only the Gaussian centre):

Above, we specified each path as a list of tuples of strings.

This is how the source code internally stores the path to different components of the model, but it is not in-profile_1d with the PyAutoFIT API used to compose a model.

We can alternatively use the following API:

samples = result.samples

samples = samples.with_paths(["gaussian.centre"])

print("All parameters of the very first sample (containing only the Gaussian centre).")

The output appears as follows:

All parameters of the very first sample (containing only the Gaussian centre).

Above, we filtered the Samples but asking for all parameters which included the path (“gaussian”, “centre”).

We can alternatively filter the Samples object by removing all parameters with a certain path. Below, we remove the Gaussian’s centre to be left with 2 parameters; the normalization and sigma.

samples = result.samples

print("Parameter paths in the model which are used for filtering:")

print("All parameters of the very first sample")

samples = samples.without_paths(["gaussian.centre"])

    "All parameters of the very first sample (containing only the Gaussian normalization and sigma)."

The output appears as follows:

Parameter paths in the model which are used for filtering:
[('gaussian', 'centre'), ('gaussian', 'normalization'), ('gaussian', 'sigma'), ('exponential', 'centre'), ('exponential', 'normalization'), ('exponential', 'rate')]
All parameters of the very first sample
[49.63779704398534, 1.1898799260824928, 12.68275074146554, 50.67597072491201, 0.7836791226321858, 5.07432721731388]
All parameters of the very first sample (containing only the Gaussian normalization and sigma).
[1.1898799260824928, 12.68275074146554, 50.67597072491201, 0.7836791226321858, 5.07432721731388]


For large-scaling model-fitting problems to large datasets, the results of the many model-fits performed can be output and stored in a queryable sqlite3 database. The Result and Samples objects have been designed to streamline the analysis and interpretation of model-fits to large datasets using the database.

Checkout the database cookbook for more details on how to use the database.

Wrap Up#

Adding model complexity does not change the behaviour of the Result object, other than the switch to Collections meaning that our instances now have named entries.

When you name your model components, you should make sure to give them descriptive and information names that make the use of a result object clear and intuitive!