
Current Working Directory#

PyAutoFit scripts assume that the autofit_workspace directory is the Python working directory. This means that, when you run an example script, you should run it from the autofit_workspace as follows:

cd path/to/autofit_workspace (if you are not already in the autofit_workspace).
python3 scripts/overview/simple/

The reasons for this are so that PyAutoFit can:

  • Load configuration settings from config files in the autofit_workspace/config folder.

  • Load example data from the autofit_workspace/dataset folder.

  • Output the results of models fits to your hard-disk to the autofit/output folder.

  • Import modules from the autofit_workspace, for example from autofit_workspace.transdimensional import pipelines.

If you have any errors relating to importing modules, loading data or outputting results it is likely because you are not running the script with the autofit_workspace as the working directory!


If you are still having issues with installation or using PyAutoFit in general, please raise an issue on the autofit_workspace issues page with a description of the problem and your system setup (operating system, Python version, etc.).