Source code for autofit.mapper.prior_model.prior_model

import builtins
import copy
import inspect
import logging
from typing import List
import typing

from autofit.jax_wrapper import register_pytree_node_class, register_pytree_node

from autoconf.class_path import get_class_path
from autoconf.exc import ConfigException
from autofit.mapper.model import assert_not_frozen
from autofit.mapper.model_object import ModelObject
from autofit.mapper.prior.abstract import Prior
from autofit.mapper.prior.deferred import DeferredInstance
from autofit.mapper.prior.tuple_prior import TuplePrior
from autofit.mapper.prior_model.abstract import AbstractPriorModel
from import namer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class_args_dict = dict()

[docs]@register_pytree_node_class class Model(AbstractPriorModel): """ @DynamicAttrs """ @property def name(self): return self.cls.__name__ def __str__(self): prior_string = ", ".join(map(str, self.prior_tuples)) return f"{} {prior_string}" def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} {self}>" def as_model(self): return Model(self.cls) def __hash__(self): return def __add__(self, other): if self.cls != other.cls: raise TypeError( f"Cannot add PriorModels with different classes " f"({self.cls.__name__} and {other.cls.__name__})" ) return super().__add__(other) def __init__( self, cls, **kwargs, ): """ The object a Python class is input into to create a model-component, which has free parameters that are fitted by a non-linear search. The ``Model`` object is flexible, and can create models from many input Python data structures (e.g. a list of classes, dictionary of classes, hierarchy of classes). For a complete description of the model composition API, see the **PyAutoFit** model API cookbooks: The Python class input into a ``Model`` to create a model component is written using the following format: - The name of the class is the name of the model component (e.g. ``Gaussian``). - The input arguments of the constructor are the parameters of the mode (e.g. ``centre``, ``normalization`` and ``sigma``). - The default values of the input arguments tell PyAutoFit whether a parameter is a single-valued float or a multi-valued tuple. [Rich explain everything else] Parameters ---------- cls The class associated with this instance Examples -------- class Gaussian: def __init__( self, centre=0.0, # <- PyAutoFit recognises these normalization=0.1, # <- constructor arguments are sigma=0.01, # <- the Gaussian's parameters. ): self.centre = centre self.normalization = normalization self.sigma = sigma model = af.Model(Gaussian) """ super().__init__( label=namer(cls.__name__) if inspect.isclass(cls) else None, ) if cls is self: return if not (inspect.isclass(cls) or inspect.isfunction(cls)): raise AssertionError(f"{cls} is not a class or function") self.cls = cls try: annotations = inspect.getfullargspec(cls).annotations for key, value in annotations.items(): if isinstance(value, str): annotations[key] = getattr(builtins, value) except TypeError: annotations = dict() try: arg_spec = inspect.getfullargspec(cls) defaults = dict( zip(arg_spec.args[-len(arg_spec.defaults) :], arg_spec.defaults) ) except TypeError: defaults = {} args = self.constructor_argument_names if "settings" in defaults: del defaults["settings"] if "settings" in args: args.remove("settings") for arg in args: if isinstance(defaults.get(arg), str): continue if arg in kwargs: keyword_arg = kwargs[arg] if isinstance(keyword_arg, (list, dict)): from autofit.mapper.prior_model.collection import Collection ls = Collection(keyword_arg) setattr(self, arg, ls) else: keyword_arg = self._convert_value(keyword_arg) setattr(self, arg, keyword_arg) elif arg in defaults and isinstance(defaults[arg], tuple): setattr(self, arg, self.make_tuple_prior(arg, len(defaults[arg]))) elif arg in annotations and annotations[arg] is not float: spec = annotations[arg] if isinstance(spec, typing._GenericAlias) and spec.__origin__ is tuple: setattr(self, arg, self.make_tuple_prior(arg, len(spec.__args__))) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences elif inspect.isclass(spec) and issubclass(spec, float): from autofit.mapper.prior_model.annotation import ( AnnotationPriorModel, ) setattr(self, arg, AnnotationPriorModel(spec, cls, arg)) elif hasattr(spec, "__args__") and type(None) in spec.__args__: setattr(self, arg, None) else: annotation = annotations[arg] if ( hasattr(annotation, "__origin__") and issubclass( annotation.__origin__, ) ) or isinstance(annotation, from autofit.mapper.prior_model.collection import Collection value = Collection() else: value = Model(annotation) setattr(self, arg, value) else: prior = self.make_prior(arg) if ( isinstance(prior, ConfigException) and hasattr(cls, "__default_fields__") and arg in cls.__default_fields__ ): prior = defaults[arg] setattr(self, arg, prior) for key, value in kwargs.items(): if not hasattr(self, key): setattr(self, key, self._convert_value(value)) try: # noinspection PyTypeChecker register_pytree_node( self.cls, self.instance_flatten, self.instance_unflatten, ) except ValueError: pass @staticmethod def _convert_value(value): if inspect.isclass(value): value = Model(value) if isinstance(value, int): value = float(value) return value @property def direct_argument_names(self) -> List[str]: """ The names of priors, constants and other attributes that are direct attributes of this model. """ return [ for t in self.direct_prior_tuples + self.direct_prior_model_tuples + self.direct_instance_tuples + self.direct_deferred_tuples + self.direct_prior_tuples ]
[docs] def instance_flatten(self, instance): """ Flatten an instance of this model as a PyTree. """ return ( [getattr(instance, name) for name in self.direct_argument_names], None, )
[docs] def instance_unflatten(self, aux_data, children): """ Unflatten a PyTree into an instance of this model. Parameters ---------- aux_data children Returns ------- An instance of this model. """ return self.cls(**dict(zip(self.direct_argument_names, children)))
[docs] def tree_flatten(self): """ Flatten this model as a PyTree. """ names, priors = zip(*self.direct_prior_tuples) return priors, (names, self.cls)
[docs] @classmethod def tree_unflatten(cls, aux_data, children): """ Unflatten a PyTree into a model. """ names, cls_ = aux_data arguments = {name: child for name, child in zip(names, children)} return cls(cls_, **arguments)
[docs] def dict(self): return {"class_path": get_class_path(self.cls), **super().dict()}
# noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit @property def constructor_argument_names(self) -> List[str]: """ The argument names of the constructor of the class of this model. """ if self.cls not in class_args_dict: try: class_args_dict[self.cls] = inspect.getfullargspec(self.cls).args[1:] except TypeError: class_args_dict[self.cls] = [] return class_args_dict[self.cls] def __eq__(self, other): return ( isinstance(other, Model) and self.cls == other.cls and self.prior_tuples == other.prior_tuples )
[docs] def make_prior(self, attribute_name): """ Returns a prior for an attribute of a class with a given name. The prior is created by searching the default prior config for the attribute. Entries in configuration with a u become uniform priors; with a g become gaussian priors; with a c become instances. If prior configuration for a given attribute is not specified in the configuration for a class then the configuration corresponding to the parents of that class is searched. If no configuration can be found then a prior exception is raised. Parameters ---------- attribute_name: str The name of the attribute for which a prior is created Returns ------- prior: p.Prior A prior Raises ------ exc.PriorException If no configuration can be found """ cls = self.cls if not inspect.isclass(cls): # noinspection PyProtectedMember cls = inspect._findclass(cls) try: return Prior.for_class_and_attribute_name(cls, attribute_name) except ConfigException as e: return e
def make_tuple_prior(self, name, length): tuple_prior = TuplePrior() for i in range(length): attribute_name = "{}_{}".format(name, i) setattr(tuple_prior, attribute_name, self.make_prior(attribute_name)) return tuple_prior @assert_not_frozen def __setattr__(self, key, value): try: value.label = namer(key) except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass if key not in ( "component_number", "phase_property_position", "mapping_name", "id", "_is_frozen", "_frozen_cache", ): try: if "_" in key: name = key.split("_")[0] tuple_prior = [v for k, v in self.tuple_prior_tuples if name == k][ 0 ] setattr(tuple_prior, key, value) return except IndexError: pass try: super().__setattr__(key, value) except AttributeError as e: logger.exception(e) logger.exception(key) def __getattr__(self, item): try: if ( "_" in item and item not in ("_is_frozen", "tuple_prior_tuples") and not item.startswith("_") ): return getattr( [v for k, v in self.tuple_prior_tuples if item.split("_")[0] == k][ 0 ], item, ) except IndexError: pass self.__getattribute__(item) @property def is_deferred_arguments(self): return len(self.direct_deferred_tuples) > 0 # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences def _instance_for_arguments( self, arguments: {ModelObject: object}, ignore_assertions=False, ): """ Returns an instance of the associated class for a set of arguments Parameters ---------- arguments: {Prior: float} Dictionary mapping_matrix priors to attribute analysis_path and value pairs Returns ------- An instance of the class """ model_arguments = dict() attribute_arguments = { key: value for key, value in self.__dict__.items() if key in self.constructor_argument_names } for tuple_prior in self.tuple_prior_tuples: model_arguments[] = tuple_prior.prior.value_for_arguments( arguments ) for prior_model_tuple in self.direct_prior_model_tuples: prior_model = prior_model_tuple.prior_model model_arguments[ ] = prior_model.instance_for_arguments( arguments, ignore_assertions=ignore_assertions, ) prior_arguments = dict() for name, prior in self.direct_prior_tuples: try: prior_arguments[name] = arguments[prior] except KeyError as e: raise KeyError(f"No argument given for prior {name}") from e constructor_arguments = { **attribute_arguments, **model_arguments, **prior_arguments, } if self.is_deferred_arguments: return DeferredInstance(self.cls, constructor_arguments) if not inspect.isclass(self.cls): result = object.__new__(inspect._findclass(self.cls)) cls = self.cls cls(result, **constructor_arguments) else: result = self.cls(**constructor_arguments) for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): if ( not hasattr(result, key) and not isinstance(value, Prior) and not key == "cls" and not key.startswith("_") ): if isinstance(value, Model): value = value.instance_for_arguments( arguments, ignore_assertions=ignore_assertions, ) elif isinstance(value, Prior): value = arguments[value] try: setattr(result, key, value) except AttributeError: pass return result
[docs] def gaussian_prior_model_for_arguments(self, arguments): """ Returns a new instance of model mapper with a set of Gaussian priors based on \ tuples provided by a previous nonlinear search. Parameters ---------- arguments: [(float, float)] Tuples providing the mean and sigma of gaussians Returns ------- new_model: ModelMapper A new model mapper populated with Gaussian priors """ self.unfreeze() new_model = copy.deepcopy(self) new_model._assertions = list() model_arguments = { arguments[t.prior] for t in self.direct_prior_tuples} for tuple_prior_tuple in self.tuple_prior_tuples: setattr( new_model,, tuple_prior_tuple.prior.gaussian_tuple_prior_for_arguments(arguments), ) for prior_tuple in self.direct_prior_tuples: setattr(new_model,, model_arguments[]) for instance_tuple in self.direct_instance_tuples: setattr(new_model,, instance_tuple.instance) for name, prior_model in self.direct_prior_model_tuples: setattr( new_model, name, prior_model.gaussian_prior_model_for_arguments(arguments), ) return new_model